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Brewers Community Foundation Public Space Award

Honors the use of public space that contributes to the overall well-being of the community.

2024 Finalists:

• Plazita Verde

• The Hunger Task Force Farm

Brewers Community Foundation Public Space Award

Brewers Community Foundation Public Space Award

Honors the creation or use of public space that contributes significantly to the overall well-being of the community. Space is a public destination, provides a variety of features and uses, is well-maintained and is worthy of emulation. Space represents sound investment of public funds, private investment and/or urban regeneration. Space contributes significantly to the overall improvement goals of a neighborhood. Project must be complete by the award year’s application deadline.

1. Please explain the need for the project and how it contributes to the overall improvement of the community.

2. Please detail the amenities, how the space is used and by whom.

3. Please describe the key partners and investors, their roles, and how their involvement contributes to long term community growth.

4. What sets this project apart from other worthy MANDI applicants and why should it be lifted up as a winner this year?

2024 Award Winner:

The Hunger Task Force Farm

2024 Application (application window is closed)

Applicants must apply for a new program or project if they have been named as a MANDI finalist within the last five years. Nominations for projects/programs that have been named as finalists in the last five years, will not be considered. Award applications will remain open through April 23rd, 2024 at 12pm (noon). Please fill out a contact form with any questions and Dionne Grayson will be in touch.

These awards are intended to highlight low to moderate income neighborhoods within the city of Milwaukee. Primary impact area and population served must be within the City of Milwaukee limits. Completion of a MANDI application indicates affirmation and certification that all information and answers to questions herein are complete, true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.


2024 Application (Opens March 18th, 2024)

Applicants must apply for a new program or project if they have been named as a MANDI finalist within the lastfive years. Nominations for projects/programs that have been named as finalists in the last five years, will not be considered.

These awards are intended to highlight low to moderate income neighborhoods within the city of Milwaukee.Primary impact area and population served must be within the city of Milwaukee limits. Completion of a MANDI application indicates affirmation and certification that all information and answers toquestions herein are complete, true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. Please note asignature will be required at the end of the application from someone in leadership.

2024 Application (Opens March 18th, 2024)

Applicants must apply for a new program or project if they have been named as a MANDI finalist within the lastfive years. Nominations for projects/programs that have been named as finalists in the last five years, will not be considered.

These awards are intended to highlight low to moderate income neighborhoods within the city of Milwaukee.Primary impact area and population served must be within the city of Milwaukee limits. Completion of a MANDI application indicates affirmation and certification that all information and answers toquestions herein are complete, true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. Please note asignature will be required at the end of the application from someone in leadership.

Question 1: Please explain the need for the project and how it contributes to the overall improvement of the community.

Nominee Information
(their information)

Nominator Information

(your information)

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Nominee Questionnaire
(their information)

Question 1: Please explain the need for the project and how it contributes to the overall improvement of the community.

Question 2: Please detail the amenities, how the space is used and by whom.

Question 3: Please describe the key partners and investors, their roles, and how their involvement contributes to long term community growth.

Question 4: What sets this project apart from other worthy MANDI applicants and why should it be lifted up as a winner this year?

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Question 1: Please explain the need for the project and how it contributes to the overall improvement of the community.

Your questions, answered


  • What are the MANDIs?
    The Milwaukee Awards for Neighborhood Development Innovation (MANDI) pay tribute to the people and organizations working tirelessly to make the city of Milwaukee a great place to live, learn, work and grow. The MANDIs were introduced by LISC Milwaukee in 1999 to acknowledge and promote the accomplishments of the community development industry in the city of Milwaukee. The MANDI ceremony highlights a variety of community work with video profiles of each MANDI finalist. Two (2) finalists* are selected in each award category and announced prior to the event. The winner in each category will be announced live at the MANDI's on August 14th, 2025. Take a look at our 25th Annual MANDI Awards Below!
  • Who or what is eligible?
    The 26th MANDI Awards celebrate outstanding individuals, organizations, and projects that make Milwaukee a fantastic place to live, learn, and work. To be eligible for nomination, all candidates must fulfill specific criteria. Firstly, they must be located in or operate a program/project within the city of Milwaukee. Additionally, their work should directly benefit low to moderate-income neighborhoods within Milwaukee. Whether you're a former MANDI finalist or nominee, you are still eligible to apply. Each nomination must adhere to these guidelines, ensuring that the MANDI Awards continue to honor those who significantly contribute to the betterment of Milwaukee’s community. We are thrilled you want to recognize the incredible individuals and organizations contributing to the vibrancy of Milwaukee! Nominations for the 26th MANDI Awards will open on March 24, 2025, and close at 5:00 p.m. on April 17, 2025. Please ensure that all nominations are submitted exclusively through our nomination website by the deadline, as we cannot accept nominations that are hand-delivered, mailed, or emailed. Visit our website and follow the easy steps on the nomination portal to ensure your nominee gets the recognition they deserve. Thank you for participating in celebrating Milwaukee's finest!
  • Who can nominate?
    Nominating someone for the 26th MANDI Awards is a fantastic way to recognize the incredible work being done in Milwaukee to make it an amazing place to live, learn, and work! Individuals, nonprofits, corporations, and projects are all eligible to be nominated. You have the option to either self-nominate or nominate someone else. We strongly encourage nominators to collaborate closely with their nominees to ensure that the application is a true and comprehensive reflection of the nominee's current and past work. To submit a nomination, visit our website, fill out the nomination form, and provide all the required documentation. Your thoughtful nominations help us celebrate the unsung heroes of our community!
  • How are the finalists selected?
    The finalist selection is a two-part process: 1. All nominations are reviewed by an independent MANDI Review Committee based on the criteria. The MANDI Review Committee is a volunteer committee comprised of representatives from community development that include: financial institutions, foundations, real estate development, for-profit organizations, education facilities, the arts, media outlets and County and City government. Nominations that receive a score higher than the threshold determined by the MANDI Review Committee will move on to the Finalist Selection round. 2. Nominations that pass the Nomination Review round are reviewed by an independent MANDI Jury based on the criteria. The MANDI Jury is a second volunteer committee comprised of representatives from community development. Two (2) finalists* in each award category will be selected by the MANDI Jury in each category. In May 2025, finalists will be contacted to schedule a virtual site visit by the MANDI Jury during the week of June 23, 2025. Take a look at last year's finalist announcement below ...and from 2023 too!
  • How are the finalists and winners selected?
    One winner among the finalists in each category will be selected by the MANDI Jury after all site visits are completed. Winners will be announced at the MANDI ceremony on Thursday, August 14th, 2025 at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino.
  • How are the finalists and winners promoted?
    Each finalist is highlighted in a two-minute video aired during the awards ceremony. These video profiles are posted on YouTube and after the event, and given to finalists for their own usage. Local media typically cover the event and publish the names of finalists and winners. *Important information regarding finalist selection: All finalists are required to participate in an in-person interview and site visit the week of June 23, 2025 and provide material that will be used to produce the two minute video. MANDI Selection Staff will send preparation materials, scheduling options, etc. about site visits in advance of visits.
  • What do finalists receive?
    Each finalist receives a professionally produced two-minute video highlighting their work, and a personalized award plaque.
  • What do winners receive?
    In addition to the benefits received by all finalists, winners receive a $1,000 contribution to keep or donate as they wish. Winners will also be asked to make 1 minute of remarks at event after their award is announced.
  • Nomination & Finalist Questions?
    Please email
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